Luisa A. Feasibility and efficacy of a robotic device for hand rehabilitation in hemiplegic stroke patients:
a randomized pilot controlled study. Clin Rehabil. 2017
manual dexterity and strength andreducing arm disability
in sub-acute hemiplegic patients. [...]
Patients in the treatment group significantly improved
the motor function of the paretic upper limb (Motricity Index),
their coordination and mono-manual dexterity (Nine Hole Peg Test)
and strength (Grip and Pinch) in contrast to controls,
and the cost savings was considerable.

demonstrated beneficial effects on body structure and function, including upper extremity motor function, brachioradialis muscle recruitment, and coordination, in children with Cerebral Palsy. The beneficial effects were maintained 1 month after training termination.

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Effect of bimanual sensor glove and unimanual robot-assisted therapy for upper limb function after stroke
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“Robotic-Assisted Hand Therapy with Gloreha Sinfonia for the Improvement of Hand Function after Pediatric Stroke: A Case Report”
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Hand motion analysis during robot-aided rehabilitation in chronic stroke.
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“Effetti percepiti durante riabilitazione robotizzata dell’arto superiore con Gloreha Sinfonia Idrogenet® in pazienti affetti da ictus cerebri”
MR – Giornale Italiano di Medicina Riabilitativa, Vol. 31 – Suppl 1 al N.3 - Palmira Bernocchi, Chiara Mulè, Fabio Vanoglio, Giovanni Taveggia, Alberto Luisa, Simonetta Scalvini
“Home-based hand rehabilitation with a robotic glove in hemiplegic patients after stroke: a pilot feasibility study”
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“Efficacy of robotic and Action-Observation therapy for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke. Preliminary results of a multicenter trial”
Presented at the 4th European Congress of Neurorehabilitation, 2017 - Bissolotti Luciano, Petioky Jakub, Hoidekrová Kristýna, Zuccher Paola, Zenorini Andrea, Migliarini Daniele, Turla Elena, Gaffurini Paolo
“Effetti della riabilitazione robotizzata dell’arto superiore con Gloreha Idrogenet® in pazienti affetti da ictus con disabilità da moderata a grave severità: risultati preliminari”
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